(Digital) Historian
I used to blog on several places, that for most of them are gone, but can still be found on archive.org here for instance. I also blogged on L’histoire numérique à l’ère contemporaine but stopped in 2022.
I am not here starting again a blogging activity, but just storing some texts that I wrote and could not publish, for a reason or another.
(date format: yyyy.mm.dd)
2024.08.12 - prompting the past - a text that goes with my DH2024 prez and with a github repository
2024.06.11 - La haine en ligne: quelques perspectives comparatives historiques
2024.04.26 - Archiving social media in an age of APIcalypse
2023.10.23 - Mettons fin aux technologies zombies que sont les médias sociaux centralisés
2023.07.24 - Chatting with the Past? How AI is Changing Our Notion of History – preparatory text for an interview with Dr. Felix Fuhg (Körber Stiftung)