Why archiving tweets?
Case studies
The different ways to collect tweets
They can help understand
Archived, they will help understand the past.
About this tweet, see: Joshua Sternfeld, « Historical Understanding in the Quantum Age », Journal of Digital Humanities, 3-2, 2014.
Tweet from the night of the Bataclan attack, with the #portesouvertes hashtag
Because we can (could?)
An application programming interface(API) is a computing interface which defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries.
source: wikipedia
Who are we studying when collecting and analysing Twitter data?
Dominique Boullier, « Big data challenges for the social sciences: from society and opinion to replications », arXiv:1607.05034 [cs], 2016.
ww1 and #covid19
9 millions+ tweets collected
Not clear wether this product will disappear or not. For now, it is still working, despite the Twitter’s current muskian API ransacking.
Two prez: «How to deal with 4 millions+ tweets when you are not a data scientist» (https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/35017) and «Twitter data as primary sources for historians: a critical approach» (with S. Papastamkou) (https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/37070)